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Deep Silver, 1559[^]41343 Mighty No 9 on Xbox One

Mighty No. 9 is a Japanese 2D Side-scrolling Action game that takes the best elements from 8 and 16-
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Deep Silver, 1559[^]41343 Mighty No 9 on Xbox One
Mighty No. 9 is a Japanese 2D Side-scrolling Action game that takes the best elements from 8 and 16-bit classics that you know and love and transforms them with modern tech fresh mechanics and fan input into something fresh and amazing! You play as Beck the 9th in a line of powerful robots and the only one not infected by a mysterious computer virus that has caused mechanized creatures the world over to go berserk. Run jump blast and transform your way through twelve stages using weapons and ab (Barcode EAN=4020628847456)

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